fall break was much needed. it came early, but it came right when i needed it to. i tagged along with one of my closest friends and her family, and we headed to the beach! it was beautiful. it was full of bike rides, ladder ball on the beach, walks on the beach, laughter, skit time, mini train wrecks, bikers, and fnl. *sidenote-my friend,
jenn wanted to borrow my season 3 of friday night lights to watch...we watched the entire season on the way there. it was just as good the second time around. clear eyes. full hearts. tim riggins. need i say more? it was so fun to be able to be part of their family for a few days! so back to the real world of school where next week i have 3 exams? say what. can i go back to the beach? maybe tim riggins would want to come?